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Swingers Club Episode 1 (Swinger’s Club) (English Edition)

2,72 €

inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt. & ggf. PortoZuletzt aktualisiert am: 12. Februar 2025 13:18


What happens ten years AFTER the Happy Ever After?

After ten years of marriage, athletic Josh and sexy Carrie have a dull sex life. What had once been spectacular had dwindled to ‘nice’, or even worse…‘okay’. They love each other dearly, but where did the hot craving go?

It’s not supposed to be this way…
Is it?

Carrie is starting to have fantasies about being ravished by total strangers, and Josh gets a wanton proposition by his smoldering real estate agent.

A slip of the tongue exposes secret desires. All the cards on the table, they have a candid powwow. They would love it if things between them could be hot again! But how do you get turned on by someone you’ve been with for a decade? Is it realistic to fall in lust again?

They have to do something…
Tentatively, they decide to visit a Swingers Club.

2,72 €

inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt. & ggf. PortoZuletzt aktualisiert am: 12. Februar 2025 13:18